So what group is crying racism and why?

I swear a large portion of society is just clinically insane.  This Gates Jr. race issue is entirely based on delusion.  Gates Jr.’s delusion that he was being profiled and then the delusion that Lucia Whalen, who reported the suspected break in, was somehow racially motivated to call the cops.  I really feel bad for … Read more So what group is crying racism and why?

Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Racism

The ignorance of racism is alive and well at one of the highest institutions of learning in the United States.  It makes me want to puke!  Henry Louis Gates Jr. should be ashamed of his display of racism!!!  Oh, did you think I was going to say Sgt. James Crowley…I don’t think so.  The racist is usually the … Read more Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Racism

Ditech is Wrong…People are Stupid

Our government wastes a lot of time on the soap box about issues that really have nothing to do with solving the problem. They spend very little time solving the real problem. Housing prices are a symptom, not the problem. Executive pay was a symptom, not the problem. Madoff was a symptom, not the problem. … Read more Ditech is Wrong…People are Stupid