Sarah Palin, Less Than Human?

You ever notice how Sarah Palin always compares herself and her followers to things that are less intelligent than humans? Pit Bulls, Grizzly Bears…I guess she feels that acting more on animalistic instinct and less on logical, rational thought is somehow a positive change? Bite first, consider the situation secondarily?

Now we have “Mama Grizzlies” while trying to make an anti-abortion stance. WTF? Does she get all her information from “Highlights for Children?” Palin: ‘Mama grizzlies’ will take back US

Maybe the research I have found is wrong, but from what I can find, even though Grizzly Bears are good mothers to their healthy cubs…they still abandon the cubs they feel are excessively weak or “genetically incorrect.” Her attempt at an Alaskan colloquialism seems to be making more of a pro-abortion argument than an anti-abortion argument. Guess you better throw in some lipstick again, Sarah.

If anyone has more info an Grizzly Bears and their actions toward cubs in less than optimal situations, such as a deformed cub or even one who has been touched by humans, and are contrary to the research I’ve found on the subject, please post a response with a link.

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