Sarah Palin, Less Than Human?

You ever notice how Sarah Palin always compares herself and her followers to things that are less intelligent than humans? Pit Bulls, Grizzly Bears…I guess she feels that acting more on animalistic instinct and less on logical, rational thought is somehow a positive change? Bite first, consider the situation secondarily? Now we have “Mama Grizzlies” … Read more Sarah Palin, Less Than Human?

WTF? Can’t wear Red, White and Blue in U.S. on a Mexican holiday…

This is the type of problem we are facing in the United States. Five Students in the United States being told they can’t wear Red, White and Blue on the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo?  Seriously, WTF?  The hispanic Assistant Principal told them they couldn’t wear the colors of the United States flag…because hispanic students were … Read more WTF? Can’t wear Red, White and Blue in U.S. on a Mexican holiday…